Calcium Therapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical alternative that replace gum surgeries and promotes healing.
These rapid, safe, advanced dental treatments stimulate the gums, the bone, whitens and tighten the teeth. They control abscesses, cysts and bad breath. The treatments are pain-free and cost-efficient. The calcium skincare materials will help soothe and protect the skin, reduce swelling, relieve pain of burns or sunburn, reduce the blistering or scars, control itching, insect bites, acne, pimples, rashes, and, and much more!
Dr. Mark Manhart has retired, but his materials and information remain available via this website, which includes his 50+ years of research and all the important information about the practice of Calcium Therapy. However, he has permanently closed his dental clinic in Omaha, Nebraska.
What People are Saying About Calcium Therapy
Calcium Therapy on the Taw
Hello Mark, found your site after extensive research dating back years really, nearly a decade of looking for an alternative to what I believed to be slightly dodgy dental care. My teeth have receding gums.…
Thank you for going against the mainstream and producing a therapy that works
Hi Dr. Manhart, I just got home from the dentist today. Four years ago I was diagnosed with peridontal disease and told I needed scrapings done. I found your website and visited your office. Since…
[Continue Reading] Thank you for going against the mainstream and producing a therapy that works
We have benefited from products…for 17 years
Dear Dr Mark Manhart – Hope everything is good at your end. Patients from my practice have tremendously benefited from products from your Institute for 17 years. Is it still possible for you to send…
[Continue Reading] We have benefited from products…for 17 years
Got gums? Got teeth? Got skin? Get Calcium!
Calcium use saves teeth, gums, ligaments, bone, and your dignity!
Calotion protects and beautifies the skin skin from bacteria, anaerobic bacteria and virus.
A Healing Story
Below is photographic evidence of the healing properties of daily Calotion use from a patient who had severe bruising from surgery thru the groin area. Patient was told it would take 2-4 MONTHS to heal…the below images are through 3 WEEKS!

Calcium Therapy has been saving teeth for 50 years with remarkable success!
If you have dental implants anaerobic bacteria can form infections in the bone around implants or other real teeth. (Implants are not real teeth).
Calcium Therapy controls the infection quickly with no pain, no drugs or surgery. Most of the therapy can be at home

Calcium Therapy helps both implants and teeth.
Frequently Asked Questions / Common Concerns
What are the ingredients in Calcium Therapy Materials?
Calcium, Zinc, trace Magnesium, water, natural food colorings. Dr. Mark Manhart, DDS
[Continue Reading] What are the ingredients in Calcium Therapy Materials?
What are the ingredients in Calotion and CZ7?
Question: What are the ingredients in Calotion and CZ7 skin crème? Answer: Ingredients are calcium, zinc, traces of magnesium, water, and in CZ7 crème a…
[Continue Reading] What are the ingredients in Calotion and CZ7?
Where do you source the calcium and the ingredients in your products?
QUESTION: I was referred to your website by my Mother’s dentist. Mom and I are interested in Dr. Manhart’s calcium therapy, and we have some…
[Continue Reading] Where do you source the calcium and the ingredients in your products?
“Open Wide – Dr. Mark Manhart’s Journey” by Leo Adam Biga.
This biographical memoir takes the reader through all of Dr. Manhart’s different lives – his “open life” and his “secret life.”
Dr. Manhart said, “You may not like nor understand everything you see, but at least you will have a truer view of all that went into making the man or the artwork.”

A Few Tips!
Acids Dissolve Calcium and Zinc
Acids caused by bacteria in the month can cause cavities by dissolving the minerals from…
Catalysts of Good Health
Zinc and Calcium are minerals and cannot be made by the body. They are catalysts…
Calcium in Food
What foods are high in Calcium? Milk (one of the best and cheapest sources of…
Zinc Deficiency is a Problem
Supplementation with zinc is effective against different oral diseases, for example, gingivitis, periodontitis, halitosis, and…
Zinc Helps!
Since tooth decay is ultimately caused by acidic bacterial secretions, zinc helps protect against cavities.…
Bacteria Killers?
The mouth with GOOD bacteria digests a lot of food, so let it set a…