If anyone tells you there’s no cure for periodontal disease, RUN AWAY! There is a cure, and one of the best is Calcium Therapy plus a little common sense.
Last night we had dinner in the Old Market with a delightful friend from Omaha. Out of nowhere, she winced and whispered, “I’m home to have periodontal surgery. There’s no cure for it and I’m going to lose my teeth.”
“WHAT???” I almost yelled.
She’s being terrorized by specialists, and spends $1,500.00 every 3 months to save her teeth. And now is told again, after several gum surgeries, she needs more surgeries, because there is no cure, so she’s going to lose a her teeth. . .and her voice.
All that “no cure” hype is balderdash, and worse. It’s bold-faced bull!!!
Normal humane people use commonsense and know better. A cure is no secret either, and one of the greatest assets to world dentistry. There are non-surgical cures for gum disease and they have been around for decades. Calcium Therapy (CT) is now at its 50th birthday of treating humans, all sorts of people. CT has been saving so-called hopeless dental conditions without surgeries, without outrageous costs, and even without anesthesia. In fact, we use CT every day on almost all our patients. Today we used it on a retired, very frail Omaha executive who would have had no teeth 20 years ago if it were not for Calcium Therapy. Furthermore, every year we learn more benefits to using calcium materials, and yet, organized dentistry pretends to ignore it, that is, not learn it and research it.
Decades ago we wrote to almost every U.S. dental school about Calcium Therapy. No one has even responded. That tells us everything we need to know. Keep at it, help patients, and let schools fail where they may. There was a time, while finishing a Biology degree by my 50th birthday, we did a little research on calcium, off the radar, at my public university. It was simple, brilliant, classic research! The dental school found out and closed it down instantly, THREE times. [Click here to read the research]
A few years ago I signed a formal contract that cost us thousands of dollars in legal fees to carry on research with my university. Not one thing has been done or said to resurrect that research. Well, it’s not a new biology building, just a wealth of research lost, and a lot of patient agony with gum disease.
A phone call stunned me a few weeks ago from my private university. Would I give a lecture at their continuing education? “Why do you ask? I said, “After 40 years of violent opposition to our practice of Calcium Therapy on patients from around the world, not once have you asked about our work.” The silence was shattering.
“Let me think about it,” I said. “Call me tomorrow.” No one has called back. Not from either university. Our hope is that common sense will prevail with family dentists who certainly would appreciate learning about Calcium Therapy like those biologists did 30 years ago. They were real scientists. The vast majority of family dentists are true assets to any university and any community, and to famous CEOs or our dear friends.
You see, there is a cure, and dentists have the right to know this. It’s their livelihoods and reputations we’re talking about.
Mark J. Manhart DDS