Question: Thanks Dr Manhart. I appreciate the update and look forward to receiving and using your products. I am particularly interested in your article regarding fusobacterium. My dentist conducted a saliva test and my results included this bacteria. Incidentally, I have been teetering on the autoimmune disease, scleroderma/systemic sclerosis, and a study at UCLA was recently conducted that found that fusobacterium predominated in the gut of all 17 systemic sclerosis patients included in the study. Thank you for your dedication and forward thinking approach to health care. – Sincerely, Juli in OK
ANSWER: Juli – over decades of using Calcium Therapy to control and eliminate oral anaerobic bacteria, it makes sense that these treacherous colonies not only destroy the oral cavity, but also can compromise the immune system itself. We find a large percent of dental patients suffer from the single most common cause of complete dental breakdown, that is, Fusobacterium and C. difficle dominate oral environment
We’ve seen a host of patients similar conditions and feel the Calcium Therapy has definite collateral benefits to one’s general health. A few years ago we presented in Paris at an international dental congress where dentists were genuinely receptive to our findings based on Dr. Meyerson’s research:
“Fusobacteria is associated with periodontal disease, acute necrotizing gingivitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and these indigenous oral microorganisms not only elicit inflammation, but also relish a close association with inflammatory conditions [1].”
For you, it is critical that you set aside almost all the traditional things used for the mouth. Yes, all but water and a soft toothbrush, and the mouth will improve. Then, when the calcium materials are begun with the simple calcium homecare materials, a persistence routine will work. The secret is you are not killing bacteria but controlling the environment so the bad bacteria cannot live, replicate, while the good bacteria and normal tissues recover rapidly.
Be sure your dentist knows we are pleased to assist in preserving your healthy dental situation.
Mark J. Manhart DDS