My story, very briefly, is that I had orthodontic treatment done late in life which did not resolve itself. I had it investigated and was told by a top UK (English) Oral Surgeon that I would lose all my teeth since I had advanced periodontal disease. I went on the net, found Dr. Manhart, considered the alternatives in the UK and USA, got an expensive opinion from the top periodontist in the UK and, after about a year of emails to the Calcium Institute, decided this was the only road I wanted to take. My condition was fairly advanced and complex as I was still wearing a retainer to keep my front teeth in place. My visit was the best thing I’ve ever done for my teeth.
The condition of your gums improves fairly quickly to a certain stage using the [Self-care] kit. If there is also the common complication of your ‘bite’ not being right, then you would have to see Dr. Manhart. I cannot commend him enough to you, both for his pioneering periodontal work and also his dental expertise generally. —Linda in England