Comment: I just thought I’d share something with you. I’ve been using your calcium brushes for about two years now, maybe a bit less. I used to get my teeth cleaned every 6 months and it’d take about 1 hour.
Today I saw my dental hygienist for the first time in 18 months. There was hardly anything to clean and only took 30 minutes. I didn’t say anything today, but when I get back home I’m going to put some information together for my dentist (I’m in Switzerland over Christmas).
Thank you and Happy Holidays to you! ~ Christina in Scotland
Answer: Thanks for the great support or our work. That is the way it is with our patients who have had to have the Calcium Therapy for a while. It routinely takes 6 to 8 minutes for us to clean their teeth. We dentists do that ourselves so that means we have all that time with the patient instead of just 30 seconds, even those who were diagnosed as “hopeless” by many dentists in several parts of the world, esp. the USA.
Glad that you are in Switzerland for holiday and hope you are on top of the Alpine snows. Our last card from relatives there was all white except for a few roofs and a steeple peeking out of the snow. Am planning a trip to Europe this Spring, a dental conference again with dentists interested in our work. Would be great to introduce your dentist to Calcium Therapies.
Keep up the good dental care in Scotland too. Say, have you ever been to the Tai restaurant a couple blocks from Edinburgh’s fast train station? Best in the world!
Regards, Mark DDS