QUESTION: Hi! I am wondering if this is safe to use while breast feeding? I have a 8 month old and he is ebf and doesn’t eat any solids yet. Since having three babies, my teeth are terrible and I haven’t been to a dentist in 7 years and I would like to build up my teeth before seeking one out. If you can please let me know if this is safe to use while breastfeeding I would appreciate it. Thanks so much! – MA in IA
ANSWER: We have never found any untoward responses to the calcium materials during breast feeding. Just the other day we talked with a patient who had the kids breast feeding longer than 8 mos., and the kid’s teeth were totally ruined into adulthood.
Our pediatrician had my 8 children on solid foods at 8 months. Like him, I agree. Breast feeding is great and natural. So in my professional opinion it’s better we help infants learn early to be independent and grow up as healthy adults with good teeth. Teeth are meant for chewing, not implants.
For years specialists in Children’s Dentistry have been treating kids at 2 y.o. and younger. Now we have an entire generation of people who hate dentistry and don’t even know why. Too much breast feeding, or dentistry, is just that, un-natural.
Mark, DDS