Dear Dr. M ——-[ in Costa Rica ] I have thanked God numerous times for you and Dr. Manhart [in Omaha]. You have giving me the best care that I think I could have gotten anywhere. Of course! the implants have saved me from the horrible experience of dentures. Dr. Manhart mainly addresses prevention and dental care that would keep people from losing their teeth. He wants to keep people from losing their teeth as you do. BUT as you said, once people have received so much unsuccessful dental care they end up in your office. I really appreciate your response, I love information so that I can understand. The implantitis is gone and I believe I will now I will be able to enjoy my implants and experience a lifetime of just general maintenance. Again thank you so much for all of your help. S [—— in California]
Dear Ms. S ——[in California]
Yes, I am open minded and I read Dr. Manhart`s letter with great interest. However, maybe we are coming from two different sides of the same battle. He would like to stop the loss of good teeth (as do I), but in most cases in my practice I get the already edentulous patient. To restore their confidence, give them dignity and quality of life, I place implants.
Many of them come with the ill-fitting dentures that they have had for 15 years or more, so I place implants. I totally agree with him on gum surgery issues and not needed full mouth restorations, I believe I must deepen my study on this matter, I would certainly like to learn more about the calcium therapy as the peri-implantitis does happen despite all my loving care.
Best Regards, Dr M ——[in Costa Rica]