Question: Dear Dr. Manhart – I am wondering if your products can help me. I have severe tartar on my teeth and swollen gums, my two lower front teeth are loose and have a gap between them, my two upper teeth also have a gap in them and I noticed one is twisted a little. My upper and lower do not line up and I believe this has to do with my tongue thrusting. (I am currently doing exercises to get this under control). I have had two broken molars on my left side for 6 years now, that have been temporarily fixed, but I was told not to eat on that side. So this is the side of my mouth that has the most tartar. One of my broken molars re-broke when I was flossing so I had to go the dentist. He said it looks like I have 20 years of tartar on my teeth and not sure if he can even remove it all. I know this is long winded but please bear with me. I had a deep cleaning and root scaling done 6 years ago and they want me to do this again, but I can not afford it. I started to use this product called Periogen and it seems to be working already. My question is will your products work on my loose teeth, spaces, swollen and receding gums even though I have a lot of tartar above and below the gum line? I also have to inform you that I have an extreme fear of the dentist to the point I become sick just thinking about going.
My final question is my husband has a very loose front tooth. The dentist wants to do a gum tissue graph. Can your products take care of this or will he have to have the surgery? He also is under going a deep cleaning and root scaling next month. Thank you for your time and please let me know what you recommend. Have a Wonderful Day, – ML in NH
Answer: Yes, the Calcium Therapy can help solve the causes of your severe trouble. Will send more in another email, and a Homecare Kit. You can send a check if you like or order it on PayPal.
Please send your x-rays of the front of the mouth upper and lower or take a Selfie of the mouth showing the front teeth biting together in a normal bite position. Read our web site about the Diastemic infection [learn more] under the Our Research link.
What you likely had was gum surgery by another name and that’s what your husband will get. He’ll be better off to stay home. Please do not let anyone do this gum surgery ever, and no gum pocket measuring, ever. They only spread infection all over and teach us nothing biological. Try to avoid flossing. Use only in specific small areas. Periogen has nice things and acids to kill, kill, kill, and it does. Everything. However, it does nothing to eliminate the CAUSES of gum troubles, like make you have extreme fear of dentistry and stay out of the dental office for 6 years, or it’s going to cost you only a small fortune to get diced up with gum surgery, again. We now call it deep cleaning and root scaling with Novocain. Sure, have the teeth cleaned, but that’s truly gum surgery.
For 52 years I’ve been cleaning tartar off teeth. The moment I can’t do that, I know it’s time to get out of dentistry and start writing more plays and selling funnel cakes at the ball park. We have tried to train dentists in New England with little success. Organized dentistry, specialists and schools will not allow Calcium Therapy taught to family dentists, a violation our civil rights to be licensed, be competent and honest dentists trusted by the public, like we were till 1980s. Now we are the least trustworthy of any professionals of any kind. Dental USA (Throw-Away) is not the best in the world.
Good to hear your “long windedness.” Keep it up.
Regards, Mark DDS