QUESTION: [I] have tarter under gums and hygienist wants to charge almost $1000 to clean (in several visits). Will calcium therapy work for me to break up that tarter under the gums. If not, can you recommend a less expensive way to do this? ~ P.R.
ANSWER: PR – Yes, the calcium materials help calm things down and tells us where tarter has developed. We use it before, during and after scaling and cleaning. This is more accurate, more comfortable for everyone, and far less costly, a couple hundred $$ would be normal.
When people do scaling and cleaning with Novocain in four sessions and it is costly, what you are getting is gum surgeries, whatever it is called. You just don’t want to have gum surgeries done, EVER. They remove the very tissues you need for healing and cause more bone loss fast.
You can start to treating yourself by not using a lot of the nonsense things from the drugstore. The Calcium Kit we send will help you start treating before removing anything.
Kind regards, Mark DDS