QUESTION: Hi … I have several tooth implants (about 2-1/2 years now with no problems), a few crowned teeth with cavities forming underneath and a few good natural teeth. Will your calcium therapy work as well for healing and maintenance on these teeth, or are special applications needed for each condition? ~ D.W. in California
ANSWER: Yes, the calcium materials will help. You’ve had your full share of dental care. Please try to back off of any more radical treatments, like having what look like on x-rays to be cavities under old fillings or crowns. Most of the time those are mere opinions. We help people find what’s causing the trouble, fix it, and then help them escape much misery and costs.
The special applications in the office are the intense Calcium Therapies. Homecare calcium materials we send help calm things down so we can figure out what’s causing your dental care to go on forever, and then stop it. We see “hopeless” cases from all over the country and others, every week.
At 70+ you are normal to have some recession of the gums. There may be something making things sensitive, like excessive dental care, or drugstore materials that are hurting you. We’ll send a Homecare Kit to show what we mean if you like. Send x-rays and we’ll tell you more while you read of people who have used Calcium Therapy.
Kind regards, Mark DDS