Dr. Mark Manhart has recently retired. He practiced dentistry with calcium materials for 50+ years in general family dental practice. He has developed dental therapies for Root Canals, for Periodontal disease, for Osteo–Endo–Cystic infections, as well as conducted seminars and clinical research projects. He currently provides calcium materials to people all over the world.
He established the Calcium Therapy Institute and presented his findings all over the USA. Also he has shared his expertise with dentists and alternative medicine specialists throughout Europe and Asia, especially in France, Poland, India, Scotland, Spain, China and South Korea.
Other scientists, educators and staff have been invaluable contributors to the clinical therapies, laboratory studies, and product developments.
CTI Seminars and presentations are available online.
CTI dentists practice in Nebraska, Iowa, California, and the Caribbean. Dental and medical associates around the world collaborate with the Calcium Therapy Institute in Omaha where patients come from round the world come weekly for dental care. The institute sends calcium homecare materials daily to 64 countries.
What people really want is a practicing dentist who knows what they are presenting
Mark Manhart, DDS
to patients is real, practical and common sense.

“Open Wide – Dr. Mark Manhart’s Journey” by Leo Adam Biga.
Dr. Manhart said, “You may not like nor understand everything you see, but at least you will have a truer view of all that went into making the man or the artwork.”
This biographical memoir takes the reader through all of his different lives – his “open life” and his “secret life.”