Do not let anyone even measure your gum pockets again, ever! Please do NOT have any gum surgeries, whatever they are called, and your condition will improve. Avoid almost anything you can buy in drugstores for your dental condition, even in South Africa. Like in the USA many dental items are designed to drive you into our offices. They will cause problems and you can lose more gums, bone and teeth faster. Use a soft brush and water to care for your entire mouth.
The calcium materials in our Homecare Kit will help control gingivitis with its treacherous bacteria and save your bone and teeth. If we ever get to South Africa and get our hands on you, we will help you save your present dental fillings, crowns, bridges, root canals, etc. without surgeries and most of the time without Novocain. The Calcium Therapy and homecare materials help with the brush and water, and does no harm. It’s as easy as falling out of a Widdringtonia tree,
On the other hand, if you’re in the Republic of Serbia, we may lose something in translation. Teeth to Tee-Shirts? Sorry, we have no T-Shirts, only dental and skin materials, but it does sound like a good way to advertize. The Calcium Therapies do help remove tartar and plaque and prevent its collection. If it is the lower front teeth area, we would have to look into the Diastemic spacing situation as the major cause and address that. [Read about it on this page.] It is great news, like figuring out what has caused all this dental trouble that seems to never end.
Let us know more of your dental concerns like pockets, surgeries, and maybe tee-shirts, wherever you are chewing your food.
Mark J. Manhart DDS
Calcium Therapy Institute