Dr. Mark – Okay to all. I get the car and will check in to my motel, find a good decent lunch and head right to your office. If there are any kinks in the plan, I will notify you right away. I will be on my ipad. Thanks, Doris in PA
After Three Office Treatments of Calcium Therapy Nov. 30th, Dec. 1st & 2nd
Comments Dec 6th @ 6:30PM
Hi Dr. Mark, Thank you for your treatments last weekend. I left the dressings as you instructed but they all started to come off yesterday anyway so I took the remaining dressings off. The fistula is much improved. Its soreness comes and goes. The generalized area is much less inflamed and swollen.
The gum tissue seems to be healing nicely.
The trifurcation of the lower left molar is the same genre. It comes and goes with sensitivity but in general I can chew on the tooth for the first time in a long while with a decent amount of comfort. It’s a major improvement which I hope lasts…as I do the in-home treatments next week. My overall sense is that the gums are quietest they have been in about a year when these episodes flare up started, so that is very promising.
I did notice my lymph glands taking on some of the battle when I first got home in my neck, and shoulders and upper back felt achy in those lymph areas that do so when I am getting a cold or flu.
I needed more rest so I took more rest. I suspect they were taking on the battle of the infection just as you said they would.
All in all I am very happy that I came out there as I think it made a very big difference over all. I am using the calcium mouthwash and brushing very gently and won’t start the carpules and chips until next week as you instructed. I feel very encouraged that my system will respond to this treatment.
By the way I am singing again in church and believing this rebalancing of my jaw and fighting of the infection with the calcium treatments will make a big difference to my vocal apparatus. I think infection was actually also dripping on the vocal cords, as they seem clearer, keeping fingers crossed. Best personal regards, Doris in PA (liked Omaha very much but good to be home)
Comments Dec 6th @ 10PM
Dr Mark, I have not yet called my dentist but will make an appointment to go in and see him perhaps right after Christmas. It would be lovely to do some singing again at this ripe age. I am hoping to find the rebalance issues of the jaw and neck and facial muscles allow me to restore my symmetry and balance in the alignment for tone production. So far so good.
Our church choir director commented to me that the tone quality I produced this week was quite beautiful. Considering I am functioning on only partial engines, that was pretty nice. She is a trained musician who did not know be forehand so it was nice to hear There is hope for me at 71 to produce pure tone again. Those old TMJ muscles have to completely let go and realign. Thx. Doris in PA
Comments Dec 8th
Hi Dr. Mark – The gums are holding their own since the treatments. Mild soreness in the trifurcation and in the upper fistula both but nothing like before. Generally gums much less inflamed. On the realignment I notice major good results. I am actually breathing more easily as I am not clenching nearly as much.
Also my singing coordination appears to be much improved. I am interested in that as I am tinkering with my vocal production and notice major improvements in the muscle symmetry by the release of muscles from the TMJ issues on the right jaw, rear of neck and right check muscle. Very interested to see how this evolves, as I would love to do some community singing in my retirement. This is a tremendous added bonus I never expected. Blessings for a good Christmas. Doris in PA
Comments Dec 20th
HI Dr. Mark; Promising news. I am continuing to heal and saw my home dentist for the first time today since I was in to see you first weekend of December. He saw an improvement in my gum tissue, particularly in the front, and said he is quite intrigued by your therapy. I told him I would prefer him to treat me if possible rather than to return all the way out to Omaha (not that I don’t like to come out there) but because I think your therapy should be out in the world and that he could/should consider a business with it to heal his patients.
He says he is going to take time to get up to speed reading your website and I suggested he be in contact with you. If he does I would be very happy. He is like you a humble and kind man who wants truly to help and heal his patients. I am glad to be the guinea pig for him and if I need to return to Omaha would do so but hope he would consider to learn these treatments to do on me here in PA. We shall see.
By the way the fistula is much better but still there. I am wondering if it is possible if a large calcium chip fell out of it after I removed the dressing. It has gone down a great deal and is definitely on a healing trajectory but my dentists says it is still active and I feel it so. I place the carpules on it twice per day. I hope I did not lose the chip that you placed inside the bone..not sure..
At any rate I feel greatly improved and on a healing road. Wanted to update you on my dentist’s interest. I sure hope he follows up and speaks with you personally. God bless and Merry Christmas. I am so thankful I got out there to Omaha. – Doris in PA
Doris, Glad to hear the news of your recovery and return to the choir. Keep up the home care and if you need more calcium materials. Would be great to hear from your dentist in PA. May have to rib him about Penn State’s Women’s volleyball. The Cornhuskers were just unbeatable champions this year.
That’s the way a fistula heals. Any excess calcium is pushed out and then it granulates over, sealing itself off from the mouth. Then the bone heals. This is something we have learned from physicians, almost like a wound scabs over to “wall itself off” so the lesion can heal.
Tell your dentist we have a world-wide Calcium Therapy Skype discussion group that he might sit in on some time, like in January.
Say, we just saw the beautiful opera “Amahl.” Sing on, girl, for the holidays.
Mark DDS